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第11章 师生对抗赛

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第二天下午一点钟,比赛开始了,首先进行的是英语组的比拼。学生内部先比,王校长、许主任还有五位英语组的老师做评委。学生共有21位,第一轮比词汇量,我以第四名的成绩进入了下一轮,淘汰赛剩下了10个人。又比过了限时作文,我又以第三名的成绩进入了下一轮,淘汰赛剩下了5人。这一轮比的是即时演讲,最终,我以第一名的成绩,进入了最后一轮,身边剩下了姜晴、秦思曼。看着她们两个,不知道最后一轮比的又是什么。很快,主持人宣布了题目,竟然是给了单词中的某几个字母,大屏幕上显示的,抢答方式。第一个单词,_e_r_b_ _ _,“抢答方式,三次作答机会,可以开始了。”我看了看,她俩愣在那儿,我努力的在搜寻,忽然间叮的一声,bgo,我上前一步,“heartbeat。”英语老师们都愣住了,主持人点了点头,我淡淡的笑了笑站了回去。“好的,那第二题,听我的描述,来猜这个词,猜到的请随时上前一步。it’s an object it can’t bebought to our exaationit has a lot of keys”姜晴和秦思曼几乎同时向前一步,我眨着眼睛看她们,“姜晴。”主持人叫了她。“telephone。”主持人摇头,“秦思曼。”“obile phone”主持人又摇头,我大概猜到了是什么,主持人继续描述,“it’s a very eful tool”主持人还要说,我上前了一步,主持人点了点头,“unter”主持人摇头,我皱了皱眉头,下面的评委老师开口了,“ anotherway to say this word”“ calcutg ache?”评委老师笑了,“jt one word”我眨了眨眼,“how to sayecalcutor?”主持人笑了,点了点头。我无奈的笑了笑,“what’s the difference beeen unter and calcutor!”评委老师笑了笑,“clearly,unter is not the right answer,but calcutor is”我无奈的笑了笑,底下听得懂的都笑了。“好的,最后一题,请用一句话评价今天的师生对抗赛。”秦思曼,“it’sa truly novel idea”姜晴,“it’s a challengg activity”我笑了笑,“i don’t like it”我说完,底下都笑了。“好的,那么请三位选手稍微休息一下,结果由评委老师讨论后再为大家揭晓即将进行接下来师生对抗的选手。”我们三个坐在了第一排。分钟过后,主持人上台了,“林晓晓,请到台前来。”我皱了皱眉头,叹了口气,走了上去。“即将与你对抗的是我们英语组组长高君梓老师。”我撇了撇嘴,点了点头。高老师拿起了话筒,坐在评委席间,“i want to ask you a estion why don’t you like this petitionbut you it?”我笑了笑,“i thk it needs no rean that idon’t love iti e here to jo this petition becae i have no choicei the first part becae i jt want to show that i have the ability to ,and i al should have the right of speech here”“yeah,of urse you have thisright,then,what do you want to say?”我又笑了笑,“i want to say that ,thispetition is really ridiculoit is not eal beeen teachers and ourstudentsyou teachers want we students to beat you?if we thispetition,you teachers would be happy?really?i can’t believe that”高老师也学着我的表情,笑了笑,“you are nfidentare you sure you can teachers?”我摇了摇头,“of urse notall the estions are fro you and you certally knowthe answersobvioly,i can’t i’ll jt try ybest to loose this ga wonderfully”“it will be eal beeen ”高老师看着我,淡淡的笑着。我摇了摇头,“ipossibleeveryone cansee that,you sit

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