首页 >女生耽美 >崔玉传中英对照版 > Chapter 17: Liangzhou

Chapter 17: Liangzhou

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In the end, his feelings and love for her went unrequited. Had she ever loved him, even for a moment? Or has she had any romantic feelings for him?


"Why did you even bother if you couldn''t let go?" His father''s voice echoed in his ear.


He was taken aback, realizing that his father knew about her. He was surprised but then understood.


There was hardly anything happening around him that his father wasn''t aware of. When they first met, her insistence on marrying no one but he had caused quite a stir in the city, and the news had reached his father, who then learned about the daughter of the Cui family.


When they met again, her wisdom undoubtedly caught his father''s attention. But later...


"People say that the Crown Prince of the new dynasty likes her and wants her to become the Crown Princess. My son, a man, must be able to let go. There are plenty of other fish in the sea, and Liangzhou has no shortage of lovely girls. You''re not getting any younger, either. Meet more girls and see if you find someone you like."


"Father, Liangzhou is currently focused on rebuilding. I don''t wish to consider personal matters at the moment."


"You child! Don''t forget. You are the Crown Prince. If you don''t have an heir, your position as Crown Prince may well be taken by someone else."



One day, his father unexpectedly instructed him to visit Liangzhou''s border pass to receive a visitor. Little did he know, the person he was to meet was his dream lover, Cui Yu.


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