

Eternal Love许你一世温柔中英对照版
Prologue: What does love truly mean? 什么是爱情? How to define marriage? 什么是婚姻? When faced with significant life choices, how can we make decisions that leave no room for regret or second-guessing? 人生路上,在
什么是爱情? 什么是婚姻? 人生路上,在重大抉择面前该如何选择方能不负此生?不悔当初?不留遗憾? 漫漫人生路,人人想要一个幸福快乐的生活,谁都是在努力向着温暖,向着阳光,向着幸福靠近。 我们的女主顾湘用她的一颗赤诚之心,勇敢地面对生活的各种挑战,在黑暗中重拾信心,在迷茫中不改初衷、坚持本心,在跌倒后勇敢坚强地在原地再爬起来继续向前。 她不是绝对的唯物主义,也不是绝对的唯心主义,她的人生路其实是半
心比天高,孤独如寒风般的白灵在一次巧合中遇到了温暖如朝阳般的罗肖。 从此点点爱意,丝丝温暖如流水般绵绵不绝地浇灌着白灵,由此开启了一段爱情故事。 可是恋爱是两个人的事,而结婚是两个家族的事。 在二人感情遇到了最大的挑战时,白灵的护花使者从此站在了明面上,让白灵和罗肖之间的误会又加深了一层。 如果你的婚姻有两种选择,一种是嫁一个爱你的,一直默默在你身边守护着你,且他家人也都喜欢你的人,还是嫁给你的
The?Wife?of Prime Minister 首辅之妻 Prologue: Heroine: humble and indecent in deed, ambitious and proud in heart. Hero: A Wealthy young master with wholehearted love. The Wealthy house is full of danger.
Legend of Cui Yu 崔玉传 Prologue: Their first encounter was a fleeting glimpse of beauty. 初见时,惊鸿一面。 At the time, she had disguised herself as a man to further her education and crossed paths with him, a
Rise Up长女当家英对照版
Prologue: In her previous life, she endured immense suffering. In this life, she entered the Xu Mansion and began a battle of wits with the father and son of the Xu family. 前世的她一片辛酸,今生的她一脚踏入了徐府,开始和徐家
Romance in Chaotic Times 乱世姻缘 Prologue: Their first encounter was a fleeting glimpse of beauty. 初见时,惊鸿一面。 At the time, she had disguised herself as a man to further her education and crossed paths wi
My Sunshine恰似寒风遇朝阳中英对照版
My Sunshine 恰似寒风遇朝阳 Prologue: Bai Ling, a girl who is lonely and cold but ambitious and proud deep inside, happens to meet Luo Xiao, who is warm and sunny. 心比天高,孤独如寒风般的白灵在一次巧合中遇到了温暖如朝阳般的罗肖。 From that